Photo Projects David Altreiter

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Photo Projects

The following 2 photgraphy projects where both assignements at FH Hagenberg.

Hauptsache Haare

During the first term at the university of applied science Upper Austria - Hagenberg each student made a photography project.The slogan was 'Hauptsache Haare' which means that we should shoot some pictures with hair as the main theme. So i came across the idea to work with food. As it should be a series i made a picture with lettuce, spaghetti and desert!

Gangsters Now and Then

For the second term photography project the goal was to create a series of pictures dealing with different time ages.
For that I portraited myself as a gangster in 3 different time ages.

  • Photo Projects - 2012
  • Photography Projects done during my time at FH Hagenberg
  • Illustration
  • Photography Course - Media Technology & Design

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